Creating a Multisig Wallet
The following is a step-by-step guide for creating a multi-signature account.
Open the Venom Wallet extension (or mobile application) to get started.
Scroll through your list of wallets (by clicking on the arrow pointing to the right) until the interface shows you the option to add a new account. Simply click on the card to continue and then on "next."
Type in the account name of your choice and enter your password to continue.
In the next step, the interface will ask you what type of wallet to create. Please select "Multisignature" here and confirm your selection.
Success! Your new wallet has now been created.
You will now notice that there's a new button in the interface, allowing you to set up your multisig wallet.
Custodians are addresses that need to approve the transactions of the multisig account before they can be executed.
In order to set up your multisig wallet, it needs at least 0.1 $VENOM. Please fund your wallet to continue by sending some tokens to it.
Please click on "setup" to add custodians to your multisig wallet. Here, you can select the number of custodians needed to execute a transaction. Paste the public key of the custodian to continue.
Not every custodian needs to sign a transaction. If you only want a given number of wallets to sign a transaction before it can be executed, you can specify this during setup. For example, a multisig wallet can execute a transaction if 3 custodians sign it despite having 4, 5, 6, or more custodians if you establish this rule during setup.